Saturday, January 26, 2008

Abelardo Morell lecture

"If you embark in traveling, you will get somewhere."
Abe Morell

It was well worth braving the rain to go to this lecture Friday night. Funny, self-effacing, even inspiring, Abelardo Morell is a very good lecturer. The quote above (and I'm not 100% sure I've got it just right) came up in the course of talking about a creative practice, of talking about looking. When Morell's wife had an baby, he ended up at home with the little boy, playing on the floor with him, no longer able to be out and about in the world in the same way, making the street photographs he'd been making. All of the sudden he was confronted with the ordinary things he was surrounded by at home - and so he talked about looking, and re-looking at them. So traveling is looking. The above are books damaged by moisture.

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